Wednesday, June 8, 2011

FW: your perusal

------ Forwarded Message
From: marvin <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 23:57:27 +1000
To: <>
Subject: re: your perusal


My name is Marvin Boucher, I work with SNS Fiduciary in the Netherlands as
a credit manager.
I am contacting you regarding a dormant account belonging to a late fa mily
member of yours.

Presently I am in the United Kingdom undergoing a financial course,
please e-mail me with a phone number and also indicate the best time I can
reach you on phone.

This will enable me shed more light on this matter or write me

Marvin boucher

------ End of Forwarded Message


Anonymous said...


Mi nombre es David Boucher y trabajo con un banco financiero con empresas de seguridad dispersas en algunas partes del mundo, estoy escribiendo este e-mail en cuanto a una cuenta me encontre con enlaces atado a ti, porque la cuenta pertenecia a un pariente lejano suyo .

Espero que me escriba de nuevo para que podamos hablar de mas o mejor aun, me llaman por +16507311679 o correo electronico ( y voy a explicar mejor.

Sr. David Boucher

This is a new one today...

Anonymous said...

i get so many of these normally they go to my spam...this one went to my actual email but its the same thing he said to everyone else his name is david boucher this was his first email...

Compliments of the day to you,

I sent a previous email to your address and i am yet to receive word from you. Please Contact mas soon as you receive this notification.

This is as to regards the account of your late relative that was left you. or write me ( and i will gladly explain the details to you. Also please provide me with a direct number where you can be reached.

Best Regards

Mr David Boucher