Monday, May 9, 2011


------ Forwarded Message
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 16:01:04 -0700


In close consultation with the World Bank, IMF, European Union (EU) and
U.S Diplomatic Mission,this is to notify you of your enlistment as a
beneficiary of a recent Debt Management and Settlement Forum organized on
the status of global arrangement to have your beneficiary fund settled once
and for all.

Of course, In the hope that you must have been aware of the past financial
leakages in the U.S/European foreign inheritance payment system, and
frustrations associated there from in your last attempt to claim the fund,
wherein fund beneficiaries (like your self) was subjected to unnecessary
bureaucratic bottlenecks in lieu of claiming funds due them.

The World Body, having solicited, in harmonizing the sequence of payments,
have discovered from records of outstanding foreign inheritance fund
beneficiaries due them, that your name and payment has been withheld and
remain unpaid as a result of such bottleneck.

On the prompting of this finding, I wish to officially notify you that
Already, a total amount of US$500 Million has been provided to the World
bank for this purpose and it is on first come first serve.

I wish to inform you that your Payment has been Dispatched Via a Diplomat in
two boxes to your Mailing address found in the international Debit computing
unit and is valued at of US$1.9m, has been Approved in your name and your
Diplomat has been dispatch to your location with your fund in two boxes.
Please reconfirm your mailing address to him once more
so that there wont be any mistake and delay in getting your consignment.

(1) Your full names, phone, fax and Cell numbers (up to date) for ease of
(2)Address where you want them to delivery your consignment.
(3)Age and Occupation

Keith Gale
U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission

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